Make fireproof plans for summer

How to prepare for bushfire season

With the tragic losses and damage suffered throughout Australia from bushfires, we want to help you prepare to protect your loved ones, community and property. So check out the quiz and checklist below for smart ways to make fireproof plans for this summer.

Bushfire readiness rating

Complete the following quiz to get a readiness rating for your bushfire preparedness.

Question 1

Is your property surrounding bush?

Question 2

Have you cleaned your gutters?

Question 3

Do you have a first aid kit?

Question 4

Do you have a written evacuation plan?

Question 5

Do you know what things to take with you in an emergency?

Question 6

Do household members know where to meet in an emergency?

Question 7

Do you know where to get updates in an emergency?

Question 8

Is your property accessible for people to help fight a fire?

Question 9

Are there other flammable items around the home, like a boat?

Go back

Your bushfire readiness rating is





You could do more to better protect yourself

Based on your answers, your bushfire plan has received a low rating. You could do a lot more to protect yourself. For tips and tools to help reduce the threat to the home and those you love, check out our bushfire preparation checklist below.


You’re on your way to being prepared

Based on your answers, your bushfire plan has received a moderate rating. There are a more things you could do. For tips and tools to help reduce the threat to the home and those you love, check out our bushfire preparation checklist below.


You’ve done the right things to help reduce risk

Based on your answers, your bushfire plan has received a high rating. But you can never be too prepared, right? For tips and tools to help reduce the threat to the home and those you love, check out our bushfire preparation checklist below.

Disclaimer: The bushfire readiness quiz is meant to give you an indication only of how prepared you are for the threat of bushfire. Your personal circumstances like the location, weather and other variables will change the risk levels and bushfire threat for which you will need to prepare. It does not replace guidance that you can get from state authorities and emergency services. In the event of a bushfire you should follow instructions given to you by the authorities

Bushfire preparation checklist

For more tips and tools to help minimise the threat to the home and those you love, check out our bushfire preparation checklist below.

When’s the best time to prepare for bushfire season?

The best time to prepare for bushfire season is before it begins. Keeping your property well-maintained all year round gives an invaluable head start come bushfire season. If you and your home are well prepared, you stand a better chance of surviving a bushfire.

How do I prepare my home for bushfires?

Here are 4 important areas to focus on around the home for bushfire season preparation.

Your home’s structure
  • Remove debris from your gutters, like leaves and sticks, which are significant fire hazards.
 Installing metal gutter guards and plugs can help avoid build up. You can also install fire
 plugs which allow gutters to be filled with water to prevent debris caching fire.
  • Move gas cylinders away from the house.
  • Maintain your water systems, generators and pumps.
  • Install steel wire mesh screens on doors, windows and vents.
Your backyard and garden
  • Mow your grass regularly and even more frequently during bushfire season.
  • Remove dead leaves, branches and stick. These are hazards and fuel for fires.
  • Trim low-hanging branches as much as possible.
Your access points
  • Ensure your property’s access is large enough to accommodate fire and rescue trucks.
 This a space at least 4m high and 4m wide. You may need to trim or remove branches to
 achieve this.
  • Ensure your property number can be easily seen at the property entrance – you need it to
 be unmistakable in an emergency.
Your personal belongings and effects
  • It’s essential to have a bushfire survival plan.
  • Ensure you have a fully stocked first aid kit.
  • Set a reminder every 6 months to maintain your fire extinguishers. Check the pressure
 gauge is in the green zone and gently shake to prevent powder from compacting.
  • Have personal protective clothing and equipment handy.
    Remove flammable material from your property, including boxes, garden furniture and
  • Ensure you have spare power banks and cables for mobile phones.
  • It’s smart to have a battery-powered radio handy in case of a blackout or mobile networks
  • Have appropriate home and vehicle insurance.

Helpful information

How do I prepare a bushfire survival plan?

To prepare a plan specific to your area, simply select your state or territory below.

Australian Capital Territory

New South Wales


South Australia



Western Australia

How do I know if I’m in a bushfire-prone area?

Select your state or territory below to check the bushfire status of your area.

Australian Capital Territory

New South Wales


South Australia



Western Australia


If natural events like bushfires or floods threaten your area, it’s important to ensure your home and contents insurance will cover you adequately.
Bushfires are covered under ING Home and Contents Insurance, so in the event of a large-scale fire, you can be covered for debris removal, repairs or replacement of your home and belongings as well as temporary accommodation as needed.
It’s also worth remembering most insurers have a 72-hour wait period between when you take out the policy and when you’re covered in the event of bushfire or grassfire.
So it’s best to consider getting cover earlier than later.

Making a claim

Making a claim

If you’re looking to make claim under your ING Home and Contents Insurance policy,
just follow these 3 simple steps

Support measures

If you bank with us, have a home or personal loan or credit card, we can offer a variety of financial support measures. To speak with the financial support team please contact 1300 349 166, Monday to Friday 8.45am to 5pm (EST).