Five tips to boost your first-home savings

If you’re ready to turn your dream of owning your first home into reality, there are so many little and big money changes you can make that can help boost your savings. Moving back in with the folks, dining out less, starting a side hustle – the choices are yours and we’re just here to help you along the way. So once you’ve identified and planned for your home deposit, here are the next five steps to kickstart your way to success. After all, the sooner you’re ready to make your move, the sooner your new lifestyle begins.
Step 1: Incoming… new ways to earn money
Incomes are a lot less flexible than expenses – and don’t we know it. So let’s get this one pinned down first. Here are three top ways to help boost your income.
- Additional part-time or casual work. The gig workforce is a large and respected part of the economy. Think about whether you’re able to take on jobs during any hours you don’t usually work, such as housekeeping, security or front desk for a hotel chain.
- Extra hours. We know – we’re stating the obvious here, and it mightn’t work for you. But if it’s doable, taking on extra days or paid overtime within your existing workplace could earn you a significant jump in your regular pay.
- Freelance. The skills you use in everyday life or your day job could earn you extra money through a side hustle. People will often pay higher rates for freelance expertise in areas like social media management, or for one-off tasks through a task finder app.
Step 2: Outgoing… keeping track of your spending
This step is all about your expenses and spending habits. And it has the most potential to boost your savings (that’s what we like to hear). Here are three top tips to reduce your spending.
- Knowledge is power. Detail all your spending. You could use an online tool like our budget calculator or a money-tracking app, or you could just add notes to your phone. It’s a good habit to note down spending as it happens.
- Arrange your spending into three categories: essential, necessary and optional. Rent, bills and loan payments are examples of essential spending. Transport, food and clothing are necessary – but still have some wriggle room. And optional spending is everything else because, well, it’s optional.
- It’s all about you and your choices. Only you can decide where you want to make changes. Even small differences, such as making your lunch or buying one less coffee a day, will soon add up. Then things like holidaying at home or dining out less can give you more significant opportunities to save.
Step 3: Balancing the budget, your way
Let’s be clear: budgeting is not a dirty word. It basically means: the choice is yours. The more you’re aware of your income and your spending, the more options you have. Here are three easy budget strategies you can start today.
- The ‘ten per cent’ rule. This is one of the simplest methods. You set things up so that ten per cent of your income is automatically deducted from your wages straight into a savings account (if you’re an ING customer, this could be a dedicated Savings Maximiser account that you’ve nicknamed something like ‘My first home’). You never ever think about this money again. It does not exist. The remaining 90 per cent is what you live on. Even in the months where your bills are biggest, you’ll still have your invisible 10 per cent bubbling along in its own special account.
- The 50/30/20 rule. A budget strategy originally designed for more detail-oriented savers but one that’s easy to remember. Fifty per cent of your income goes to ‘needs’, 30 percent to ‘wants’ and 20 per cent to ‘savings’.
- The $5 rule. Every time you buy something online, pay a bill or open your wallet to pay for brunch, transfer an extra $5 to your savings account. You’ll soon see your savings grow – or your spending reduce! (Psst: If you’re an ING Orange Everyday customer, you can turn on Everyday Round Up and we’ll automatically round up your purchases to the nearest $1 or $5 and pop the difference from your Orange Everyday account straight into your Savings Maximiser account. Easy-peasy.)
Step 4: Reaching your savings goal
Let’s get real. The best goals are achievable – not something forever dangling out of reach. Being too ambitious can often set you up to fail. We think saving for your first home should be positive and motivating (it’s your dream, after all!). Here are three top tips to keep your goal achievable and your motivation strong.
- Plan for the unexpected. One-off expenses or unforeseen hiccups might temporarily rock your plans. Builders, for example, like to plan at least a 5 to 10 per cent contingency to allow for the unknown.
- Plan for joy. Semi-regular treats are important. If your ‘joy’ is weekends away or concerts or footy trips, include (at least) one of these events in your calculations.
- Plan for success. Saving is a choice you’re making to achieve your goal. Even if you have to extend your timeline or miss a few weeks, always remember you’re still heading towards your goal.
Step 5: Tracking your success
Accountability. Ugh, a scary word. But having an accountability plan can help you achieve your goal. It works by having someone or something to keep you on track. Here are our three top tips to help keep on track.
- An accountability partner can be a friend, family member or professional. Someone you can regularly check in with to talk about your progress and any adjustments you might need to make.
- Break down your long-term savings goal into smaller chunks, and set target dates to achieve each of these progress steps. You might even want to try an online tool like our savings goal calculator to work out how much you could put away each month for a year, for example.
- See it, do it. Keep a visual reminder handy – on the fridge, your desk or inside the front door. This could be a wall calendar with targets and rewards dates, a picture of your dream house, or a pie chart or graph you colour in as you progress. Seeing is believing.
It doesn’t matter how many years away you are from your deposit target for your first home: making savings-boosting changes, when you can, will help get you through your new front door sooner. Dream: achieved.
The information is current as at publication. Any advice on this website does not take into account your objectives, financial situation or needs and you should consider whether it is appropriate for you. Deposit products, savings products, credit card and home loan products are issued by ING, a business name of ING Bank (Australia) Limited ABN 24 000 893 292, AFSL and Australian Credit Licence 229823. ING Living Super (which is part of the ING Superannuation Fund ABN 13 355 603 448) is issued by Diversa Trustees Limited ABN 49 006 421 638, AFSL 235153 RSE L0000635. The insurance cover offered by ING Living Super is provided by Metlife Insurance Limited ABN 75 004 274 882, AFSL 238096. ING Insurance is issued by Auto & General Insurance Company Limited (AGIC) ABN 42 111 586 353 AFSL Licence No 285571 as insurer. It is distributed by Auto & General Services Pty Ltd (AGS) ABN 61 003 617 909 AFSL 241411 and by ING as an Authorised Representative AR 1247634 of AGS. All applications for credit are subject to ING’s credit approval criteria, and fees and charges apply. You should consider the relevant Product Disclosure Statement, Terms and Conditions, Fees and Limits Schedule, Financial Services Guide, Key Facts Sheet and Credit Guide available at when deciding whether to acquire, or to continue to hold, a product. Before interacting with us via our social media platforms, please take a minute to familiarise yourself with our Social Media User Terms.
Everyday Round Up
Everyday Round Up applies to card purchases using your Orange Everyday bank account. You must opt in to Everyday Round Up and select the round up amount (nearest $1 or $5). When you spend with your Orange Everyday card, we’ll transfer the extra amount from your Orange Everyday to your eligible home loan (e.g. Mortgage Simplifier or Orange Advantage) or Savings Maximiser account. A round up will not be debited if doing so would reduce your Orange Everyday balance below $20. Full details at